Adult Education Training Provider

Turn your Erasmus+ into a life changing experience with Plus Project!

Inspiring, practice-driven, dynamic and innovative courses for school education staff



Together with our professional local trainers and our multicultural and friendly team, we offer the most relevant Erasmus+ Courses for teachers and cultural activities specifically adapted to your needs and those of your organization. Join us and make the most of this unique experience.

In order to provide high quality trainings in a practical, dynamic and interactive way,
we adopt a hybrid approach in our courses, combining theoretical aspects with
practical and informal activities.


Some of these activities are: Ice breaking and team building activities, group work, discussions, debates, group reflections, problem solving activities, project-inquiry-action based activities, brainstorming, etc.

Innovative and inspiring teacher training courses
Learn all about the most up-to-date teaching techniques and methods.
Local expert trainers
We only bring you the top professionals of the sector
Fully equipped training rooms
We provide you the best environment for a productive course
Boost your experience with authentic local touch
Every course comes with a free city tour and flamenco show
Excursions to make your cultural experience full
We offer guided cultural trips to closeby cities
Full guidance before, during and after your mobility
We help you with the administrative aspects throughout the whole process of your mobility
Tailormade training courses for your needs
We customize the training to help you develope
Assistance with your trip
We help you find the best accommodation, transport and food options for your needs.
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Structured courses

Local expert trainers with interactive teaching methods

Materials and certificates

Europass CV and Certificate of Attendance provided​

Professional visits

Pioneer institutions in your project topic

Free cultural activities

Free guided city tour and an authentic Flamenco show

Translation services

Provided by our multilingual team to many different languages

Flexible course calendar

Adapting our activities to your program


Guided city tours to nearby touristic cities

EXTRA activities

Getting to know the culture by having fun with various local activities

Travel organization

Assistance with your trip (accommodation, transportation, food, etc.)


Full assistance before, during and after your mobility


Elena Salmistraro
Elena Salmistraro
Amazing team, competent professionals, highly empathetic teachers, excellent at listening and encouraging.
Raluca Hotico
Raluca Hotico
Multumesc Plus Project pentru exeperienta deosebita pe care ne-ati furnizat-o prin intermediul formatorilor , materialelor si a sprijinului permanent acordat. Cursul Inclusive Education m-a facut in primul rand pe mine sa ma consider inclusa, sa simt ca fac parte din categoria profesionistilor care faciliteaza incluziunea copiilor. Am inteles prin invatare experentiala cat de importante sunt metodele activ-participative , ascultarea activa si munca in echipa pentru a usura procesul de incluziune a copiilor cu cerinte educative speciale. Diversitatea data de cultura, gen, rasa, religie trebuie abordata cu multa atentie pentru a preveni fenomenul de bullying si excluderea copiilor din grupurile scolare si extrascolare. Sara, formatorul nostru, o profesionista desavarsita, ne-a prezentat metode si tehnici eficiente pe care le voi aplica cu mare drag in gradinitele in care lucrez. Multumesc Ezgi pentru sprijinul pe care ni l-ai oferit pe toata durata cursului, link-urile trimise ne-au ghidat excelent si am reusit sa ne bucuram de foarte multe obiective turistice si zone deosebite din Malaga.
Moldovan Rodica
Moldovan Rodica
Participation to the curse Inclusive Education offers the opportunity and develop practical strategies, a high- quality Education to all students, including those most vulnerable or at risk of exclusion, marginalizațion, ora school failure. I learned the application of concrete activities( How to be inclusive about emoțions, Music and art intervention for inclusion) in working with students. I learned the inclusion means developing membership, relationship and skills. People are different. Love makes them look alike! For this opportunity. thank You!
wonder Francesca Ravarotto
wonder Francesca Ravarotto
Beautiful Exsperience.Very very formative...Collaboration and inclusive fantastic.Organizzation perfect.Thsnk you very much
Delia Tiudic
Delia Tiudic
It was an amazing experience meting each and every one of you! The whole week was full of joy and lots of fun. Charismatic Italian girls, joyful Turkish people, fantastic trainer, great organizer and, of course, my special an beloved colleagues, we all did our best to make every day worth! Big hug for all! ????❤ Delia Țiudic, România
Esra Kullukçu
Esra Kullukçu
5 gün boyunca harika bir deneyim yaşadık. Hem eğlendirici hem de öğretici bir süreçti. Bol etkinlikli ve uygulamaya dayalı bu eğitim sayesinde vizyonumuzun geliştiğini söyleyebiliriz.
Eymen Baloğlu
Eymen Baloğlu
Mükemmel bir kurstu İtalyan ve Romen meslektaşlarımızla bilgi alışverişinde bulunduk. Etkinlikler yaptık. Özellikle ezgi hocamıza teşekkürler ????
Tuğçe Taşdemir
Tuğçe Taşdemir
Muhteşem bir eğitimdi. Ezgi Hocamıza ve Sarah Hocamıza çok teşekkür ediyorum ????❤️
Anda Sprudzāne-Cakula
Anda Sprudzāne-Cakula
Lieliski cilvēki, kursi un vieta! Paldies! Bija prieks šeit būt!
Carla De Pessemier
Carla De Pessemier
Good course !



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